Wobourn sheepshearing
Joseph Constantine Stadler (b.Germany - fl. London 1780-1812) and N. M. Bate (1783/5- fl.1821)
Art / Prints
Paper, Wood
630 x 894 mm
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NT 452683
Print, etching, Wobourn sheep shearing, by Joseph Constantine Stadler (b.Germany - fl. London 1780-1812) and N. M. Bate (1783/5- fl.1821). Etching - Wobourn sheep shearing. Stippled and outline etched by M.N. Bate (fl.1782-1821), figures and landscape by Joseph Constantine Stadler (b.Germany - fl. London 1780-1812). Published by C. Garrard BRA 1811. (R.W.Blathwayt label on reverse). Inscription below the image reads “WOBURN SHEEPSHEARING. Painted & published by G.Garrard ARA 4 Queens Buildings Knightsbridge, May 31 1811, London. Dedicate by permission to his Grace the Duke of Bedford by his Grace’s most obedient and very humble servant GEORGE GARRARD.” A detailed description of the people depicted follows.
Full description
The inscription below the image reads “WOBURN SHEEPSHEARING. Painted & published by G.Garrard ARA 4 Queens Buildings Knightsbridge, May 31 1811, London. Dedicate by permission to his Grace the Duke of Bedford by his Grace’s most obedient and very humble servant GEORGE GARRARD.” Beneath the picture is a description of the scene and list of people depicted. “The description begins at the left hand corner: 1st the Shepherd leaning on his Crook, a Southdown Tup led out by a Shepherds Boy. Portraits Sie Andrew Corbett, H Hanmer: Messrs Reeves; Honnibone; Stubbins; Dr Cartwright; Sir Tho Hanmer; Mr Smith; Lord Dundus; The Rev Bate Dudley; Rt Honble John Foster; Marquis of Tavistock; Ld Ludlow; Ld Thanet; Conyers’ Towers & Rt Bing Esq; Messers Wilson; Buckley; Walton; Stone & Runciman; Sir Thomas Miller; Mr Fary, Secretary to the Smithfield Club; Dr Yates of Bedford; The Revd Mr Smernhove, Envoy from Russia. To commemorate the encouragement given by the late & present Dukes of Bedford to the Art of modelling Cattle an Artist is represented in the Foreground distributing Models to the four Infant sons of his Grace Lrd Wriothesley, Lds Edward, Charles & Ld Francis John. This compartment is relieved by the Exhibition Room on which the prize carcases are hung. In the Centre of the picture a portrait of his Grace the Duke of Bedford, mounted on his favourite Irish Mare, inspecting a piece of broadcloth presented by Mr George Tollett of his own Merino growth. Ld Somerville, Mr Charles Gordon Grey & Mr Curwen MP form the principal [sic] group, a shepherd leading out a new Leicester Tup. Portraits of Lord Winchelsea, Sir Watkin William Wynne, HRH the Duke of Clarence and Mr Elman. In the background Mr Northey MP on horseback inspecting some Swedish Turnips presented by a Gentleman Mr Astley. Lord William Russell, Charles Callis Westurn Esq MP, Sir Charles Bunbury, Hugh Hoare and Lee Anthony Esq MP, Ld Sheffield and Mr Sitwell, Mr Marshall Author of Agricultural Works & Sir Thomas Carr with other Gentlemen inspecting a pair of Scotch Oxen – also portraits Sir Harry Fetherstone, Major Battin, Lord Egremont and an extended group of carriages and horsemen.”
Makers and roles
Joseph Constantine Stadler (b.Germany - fl. London 1780-1812) and N. M. Bate (1783/5- fl.1821), engraver (printmaker) M. N. Bate (b.1783/85), engraver (printmaker) Joseph Constantine Stadler (b.Germany - fl. London 1780-1812), engraver (printmaker) George Garrard, RA (1760 - 1826), engraver and publisher