Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beconsfield, MP, PC, FRS, KG (1804-1881) as a Young Man
Alfred Edward Chalon, RA (Geneva 1780 - Kensington 1860)
Art / Drawings and watercolours
Watercolour heightened with white on paper
298 x 222 mm (11 3/4 x 8 3/4 in)
Order this imageCollection
Hughenden, Buckinghamshire
NT 428987
Watercolour heightened with white on paper (corners cut), Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beconsfield, MP, PC, FRS, KG (1804-1881) as a young man by Alfred Edward Chalon, RA (Geneva 1780 – Kensington 1860), signed and dated in gold paint 'A.E.Chalon. R.A.etc. 1840.' A half-length portrait, wearing brown coat, light waistcoat, and blue-and-white striped cravat. Part of pair (see NT/HUG/P/33a,b).
Recorded in Disareali's list of June 1879, as in the Family Room: the "Lord Beaconsfield by Chalon" listed earlier on, between the Ferrier of Maria D'Israeli and the Miss Disraeli by Nugent, not the same listed later, between the Rachel de Castro [laying at the Harpsichord and the Portrait of Isaac D'Isreali, 11 years of age (which was mistaken for the Maclise), as evidenced by their descriptions in the 1881 inventory in which their locations is now called the 'Yellow or State Room'
Marks and inscriptions
A.E.Chalon. R.A.etc. 1840.
Makers and roles
Alfred Edward Chalon, RA (Geneva 1780 - Kensington 1860) , artist