Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beconsfield, MP, PC, FRS, KG (1804-1881) as a Young Man
Daniel Maclise (Cork 1806 - London 1870)
Art / Drawings and watercolours
Watercolour, pencil and bistre wash on paper
362 x 311 x 39 mm
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Hughenden, Buckinghamshire
NT 428418
Watercolour, pencil and bistre wash on paper, Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beconsfield, MP, PC, FRS, KG (1804-1881) as a Young Man by Daniel Maclise RA (Cork 1806 – London 1870), 1828. A three-quarter-length portrait, seated, left arm in waistcoat, left leg crossed over right. Leaves in background, to viewer's left. 'B.Disraeli, Esq ' on frame. 'D. Maclise.' on uppermost gilt edge of bottom section of frame.
Marks and inscriptions
'B.Disraeli,Esq', 'D. Maclise.'
Makers and roles
Daniel Maclise (Cork 1806 - London 1870), artist