Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (Woodstock 1874 - London 1965)
120 mm (Width); 187 mm (L)
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Hughenden, Buckinghamshire
NT 428417
Telegram consisting of lines of white paper with typed message attached to brown sheet with 'Post Office Telegram' and a crown printed at the top, along with other printed and handwritten script, the latter in pencil. The telegram was sent by Sir Winston Churchill to Hughenden on the occasion of its opening by the National Trust in 1949. The message reads 'Earl Stanhope Hughenden Manor Hughenden Valley = I am delighted to hear the action of the Disraelian Society in presenting Hughenden Manor to the National Trust stop I am very sorry I cannot be with you on the occasion of this historic ceremony please convey my regrets to Lord Halifax = Winston Churchill'.
Marks and inscriptions
'Earl Stanhope Hughenden Manor Hughenden Valley - I am delighted to hear the action of the Disraelian Society in presenting Hughenden Manor to the National Trust stop I am very sorry I cannot be with you on the occasion of this historic ceremony Please convey my regrets to Lord Halifax - Winston Churchill'
Makers and roles
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (Woodstock 1874 - London 1965), author