The early Christian monuments of Scotland : a classified, illustrated, descriptive list of the monuments, with an analysis of their symbolism and ornamentation / by J. Romilly Allen ; and an introduction, being the Rhind Lectures for 1892, by Joseph Anderson.
John Romilly Allen (1847 - 1907)
Place of origin
Mount Stewart, County Down
NT 3221690
Bibliographic description
xvi, cxxii, 419, 522 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Loose insert: folded leaf with pencil drawing, scrolled plinth[?], inscribed "raised as shown"; scrap paper page markers: p.34, 329, 387. Provenance: twentieth-century armorial bookplate (dated 1922) with portrait: "Edith Helen Marchioness of Londonderry. D.B.E." [i.e. Edith Helen Chaplin, m. in 1899 Charles Viscount Castlereagh, 7th Marquess of Londonderry from 1915]. Motto in Scottish Gaelic over portrait ("Tha mo cridhe's an tir nam beann" [My heart is in the land of mountains]); dated in pencil beneath: 1928. Binding: twentieth-century half green sheep, with green cloth boards; gold blocked illustration on upper cover and spine; five false bands; gold lettered spine.
Makers and roles
John Romilly Allen (1847 - 1907) Joseph Anderson (1832-1916)