Ground floor plan of Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire, showing alterations
Trenwith Lovering Wills (1891 - 1972)
Architecture / Drawings
May 1949 - 1950 (revised)
Blueprint with pencil and coloured wash
632 x 928 mm
Place of origin
Yeoman's Row [S.W.3]
Order this imageCollection
Wimpole, Cambridgeshire
NT 206301
Trenwith Lovering Wills (1891-1972). Ground floor plan of Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire, showing alterations, 1949, inscribed 'Wimpole Hall / Cambridgeshire / Plan Showing Alterations', 'Drawing No.1', 'Revised August 1950 [handwritten]', 'Ground Floor Plan', 'Trenwith Wills F.R.I.B.A. / 24, Yeoman's Row, / Brompton Road, / London S.W.3.', 'May 1949'. , 'Scale 1/2" = 1' 0" ', blueprint with pencil and wash (632 x 928mm).
Bequeathed by Elsie Kipling, Mrs George Bambridge (1896 – 1976), daughter of Rudyard Kipling, to the National Trust together with Wimpole Hall, all its contents and an estate of 3000 acres.
Marks and inscriptions
Top, centre: Wimpole Hall / Cambridgeshire / Plan Showing Alterations Top right: Drawing No.3 [printed] / Revised August 1950 [handwritten] Bottom, centre: Ground Floor Plan Bottom right: Trenwith Wills F.R.I.B.A. / 24, Yeoman's Row, / Brompton Road, / London S.W.3 / May 1945 Bottom left: Scale: 1" to 8'0"
Makers and roles
Trenwith Lovering Wills (1891 - 1972), architect
Adshead 2007: David Adshead, Wimpole Architectural drawings and topographical views, The National Trust, 2007, p.137 [reproduced in error here]