Thornton - Pickard New Imperial triple extension field camera.
Photographic technology
1910 - 1916
Mahogany, Brass, Leather, Fabric
240 x 230 x 550 mm
Fox Talbot Museum, Wiltshire
NT 1525667
Thornton - Pickard New Imperial triple extension half plate field camera. The whole is a complex mahogany, brass and leather construction. In use the box section of mahogany which holds the half plates has a matt glass focus screen which folds out to allow the plates to be inserted. This whole section also comes away by two spring clips at the top. There are two brass D rings attached to the top which might allow a strap to be attached. there is a circular ivorine plaque on the side of the box section which reads "Thornton Triple Imperial Extension Pickard". Two mahogany and brass rails attach to the bottom of the box and these move on a rack and pinion system into the central mahogany stand on the outside of two fixed rails. This is controlled by a knurled knob on the left of the mechanism. Inside the two fixed rails are two more mahogany and brass rack and pinion rails which are in turn connected to the standard. This slide is controlled by a knurled knob on the right side. The standard is a series of mahogany and brass panels which can be adjusted by means of thumb screws either side to change height and angle, and a separate plate in two brass rails allows it to move side to side. There is an ivorine plate on the base of the standard which reads “Protected by Registration Nos 529946 and 5299947” There is a rollerblind shutter mechanism in place which bears a circular ivorine plate which reads “Time & Inst Patent Thornton – Pickard” but the lens is missing. The box section and the standard are joined by a tapered leather bellows.