Print of Smallhythe Place (right hand side outside) looking across the pond back towards the cow byre with two conifer trees on the edge of the water by Clare (Tony) Atwood (1866-1962)
Clare 'Tony' Atwood (Richmond 1866 - Tenterden 1962)
Art / Prints
1900 - 1929
340 x 250 mm
Place of origin
Smallhythe Place
Order this imageCollection
Smallhythe Place, Kent
NT 1123913
Print of Smallhythe Place (right hand side outside) looking across the pond back towards the cow byre with two conifer trees on the edge of the water by Clare (Tony) Atwood (1866-1962).
Full description
Print of Smallhythe Place (right hand side outside) looking across the pond back towards the cow byre with two conifer trees on the edge of the water by Clare (Tony) Atwood (1866-1962) given to Smallhythe Place, great nephew of Margaret Winser a friend of Ellen Terry (1847-1928)
Print forms part of a collection assembled by Margaret Winser, a friend of Ellen Terry, and donated to Smallhythe Place by her great nephew David Winser
Makers and roles
Clare 'Tony' Atwood (Richmond 1866 - Tenterden 1962), artist