Print of a view of the back of Smallhythe Place featuring the barn and part of the garden.
Clare 'Tony' Atwood (Richmond 1866 - Tenterden 1962)
Art / Prints
1900 - 1929
360 x 128 mm
Place of origin
Smallhythe Place
Order this imageCollection
Smallhythe Place, Kent
NT 1123911
Print of a view of the back of Smallhythe Place featuring the barn and part of the garden by Clare (Tony) Atwood (1866-1962).
Full description
Print of a view of the back of Smallhythe Place featuring the barn and part of the garden by Clare (Tony) Atwood (1866-1962) given to Smallhythe Place by David Winser, great nephew of Margaret Winser a friend of Ellen Terry (1847-1928)
Print forms part of a collection assembled by Margaret Winser, a friend of Ellen Terry, and donated to Smallhythe Place by her great nephew David Winser
Makers and roles
Clare 'Tony' Atwood (Richmond 1866 - Tenterden 1962), artist