Dame Ellen Terry (1847-1928) seated with cat on her lap
Alex Ridley [photographer] Tenterden
1899 - 1928
Photographic card in form of a postcard
134 x 80 mm
Order this imageCollection
Smallhythe Place, Kent
NT 1122440
Photograph. Ellen Terry seated with cat on her lap
Photograph believed to have been owned by, or given to, Ellen Terry (1847 - 1928) or her daughter Edith Craig (1869 - 1947) and came to National Trust in 1939 when Edith Craig transferred Smallhythe Place (including buildings, land and contents) to the Trust.
Marks and inscriptions
Front, bottom left: DAME ELLEN TERRY Back, left (Correspondence area): Smallhythe. June 19 / Many thanks / for letter & all / enclosures. No / time to write here / so excuse card. / All fairly well / I've changed the / bed! The young lady / with Mrs MacKail / was her daughter / just recovering from / 4 months illness. / Love from G & A Back, right (Address Area): Miss Barsby / 17 Elm Park Road, / Chelsea / London / S. W. 3. Back, bottom: RIDLEY'S STUDIOS, TENTERDEN, KENT
Makers and roles
Alex Ridley [photographer] Tenterden, photographer and publisher