Work table
1850 - 1899
Mahogany, oak, brass, glass
73 x 52 x 36.5 cm
Place of origin
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Chartwell, Kent
NT 1101627
A mahogany work or dressing table, French, of Empire style, second half 19th century, the rectangular top lifting to reveal an inset mirror, with interior mahogany veneered well, the lid with a spring brass locking mechanism to hold the lid up positioned to the left hand side of the interior, the front frieze with brass keyhole (lock replaced) to the upper half, with projecting horizontal band of moulding above an oak-lined drawer in the lower section, the drawer with plug repairs and shadows indicating that there were previously dividers, on cylindrical front supports with gilt-brass mounts to the top and base, the mounts to the top impressed with roses and other decorative bands, the rear legs of rectangular form, all legs mounted on a shaped plinth base.
Chartwell was purchased by Winston Churchill in 1922 and for the next 40 years it was the family home. Presented to the National Trust in 1946, Winston and Clementine Churchill continued to live there until 1965 when it was relinquished to the management of the National Trust. Much of the contents of Chartwell were accepted by the Treasury in payment of death duty and retained in the house. Lady Churchill also gifted many pieces and others are on loan from the Churchill family.