Commemorative medallion
Henri Dropsy (1885 - 1969)
Coins and medals
5 mm (Height); 69 mm (Diameter)
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Chartwell, Kent
NT 1101140
Gold medallion celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale 1904-1954 by H. Dropsey. Formerly part of the Heirloom Collection.
Full description
On 8 April 1954 speeches were made in both Houses of Parliament marking the anniversary and Churchill exchanged messages with the French Prime Minister. On 23 May the French Foreign Minister (M. Bidault) gave a lunch for Anthony Eden in Paris to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Entente Cordiale. The exact circumstance in which WSC (Prime Minister at the time though still recovering from a severe stroke a year before) received this medal are not known.
Makers and roles
Henri Dropsy (1885 - 1969), designer
Exhibition history
Churchill - De Gaulle, Musee de l’Armee Invalides, Paris, France, 2015, no.218
Churchill - De Gaulle, Musee de l'Armee Invalides, Paris, 10 April - 26 July 2015, cat 218, pp 258