Cumulus Clouds over a Landscape
John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 - London 1837)
Art / Oil paintings
Oil painting on paper laid on canvas laid on board
165 x 267 mm (6 1/2 x 10 1/2 in)
Place of origin
Hampstead Heath
Order this imageCollection
Fenton House, London
NT 1449136
John Constable was a Romantic painter, who was inspired primarily by nature. Not only did he seek to portray the beauty and power of nature, but he also investigated the scientific aspects of his subject-matter. Cloud studies, such as this one, were typical of his work. By looking at the sky and cloudscape, he tried to portray atmospheric conditions in paint. His loose, painterly style inspired that of the French Impressionists. This is not surprising given that is work was more popular in France than England during his own lifetime. Constable was made a Royal Academician late in life, at the age of 52, and was never really accepted into the artistic establishment.
Oil painting on paper laid on canvas laid on board, Cumulus Clouds over a Landscape by John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 – London 1837). 1822.
Bought at Agnew's, around 1980; bequeathed by Peter Barkworth (1929 - 2006)
Credit line
Fenton House, The Peter Barkworth Collection (National Trust)
Makers and roles
John Constable, RA (East Bergholt 1776 - London 1837), artist