Orbis:. an international quarterly of poetry and prose.
1983 - 1987
Place of origin
Manaton, Devon
NT 3242269
Bibliographic description
v. ;. 8vo. No. 50 with insert: letter to Noel Welch, dated 10 April 1984, from Mike Shields editor: 'Dear Ms Welsh [sic], Anne [Born?] has suggested that you might like to see a copy of Orbis 50 and that you could possibly wish to be a subscriber. I am therefore enclosing a complimentary copy of our special issue, completely without obligation, plus a form in case you should decide you like the magazine enough to want to subscribe. Whatever your decision, I hope you find this issue enjoyable, and that you will send us some of your poetry some time...'; no. 52 with insert: Orbis compliment slip with typed message, dated 12 November 1984: 'Dear Noel Welch, ... and thank you for your nice letter, not least for the generous sub. cheque enclosed therewith. It leaves me in a slight quandary, as my simple and crude system will only accept single-year subs, so I have to assume you want an 84 sub. However, since you have already seen 53, and since I am forced for various reasons to produce the next two issues as one (54/55), it seems a little mean to keep to the letter of the law. So I also enclose a copy of our special issue no. 50, plus a copy of no. 51 just to keep you continuous! I hope you find this satisfactory (if not, please let me know), and that you will enjoy them all. Do please keep in touch: that's what Orbis is all about. And always remember that a four-legged three-year-old is far better than a three-legged four-year-old, especially when you have a couple of quid each way on it. With all good wishes Mike Shields. P.S. Sorry, but by the nature of things, the first issue you receive, 54/55, will contain the renewal reminder for 1985!"; no. 67 (Winter 1987) with insert: small newspaper cutting about words, written by John Silverlight. Binding: perfect binding.